Program Statement

Our Program Statement captures the philosophy and goals that guide our program for our children. It describes the strategies we use to realize these goals, the plans of action to execute the strategies, and the practices to implement, monitor, and evaluate those action plans, and continually improve our performance. To find out more about our Program Statement, please contact us.


2.5 - 4 yrs

Preschool program is based on the development of the whole child focusing on Children's strength, needs, and interest, following the guidelines of Early Learning For Every Child. Children learn through play, activities provided include fine & gross motor, cognitive development, social & emotional, dramatic play, sensory stimulation, science, and cooking. Preschool children are ready to learn new concepts such as: colours, shapes, numbers, patterns & social skills. Our children's development is guided and celebrated with new developmental mile stones.

  • 1:8 teacher/child ratio
  • breakfast + 4 snacks + lunch provided
  • 8 am - 6 pm


6 - 12 yrs

APS provides a dynamic opportunity for development and socialization. The children participate in many creative, cognitive & experimental projects, science, construction, drama, and homework club are some of the program offered at APS daycare and nursery. We foster an inclusive & supportive environment for children to work and grow together. We provide an atmosphere to enhance and empower children in a holistic manner.

  • 1:15 teacher/child ratio
  • breakfast + 4 snacks provided
  • 7 - 9 am then 3:30 - 6 pm

More about our School Age Program

The main emphasis in the School Age program is to:

• Provide an inclusive program that respects individual abilities, strengths, needs, and interests
• Provide a language-rich environment that encourages communication through positive interactions.
• Develop children’s self-esteem by ensuring that they feel valued and cared for as individuals
• Provide the children with choices in their leisure activities, such as sports, games, projects and social interactions with peers and adults.
• To give children the opportunity to excel in all areas of development
• To provide a supportive environment in which children can reach their full potential

The School Age program provides an atmosphere where children have freedom of choice, and where they feel a sense of be of belonging

• Teachers are readily available to support children with their homework
• Children will participate in regular sports activities and games after school and day care and in the playground.

The program promotes independence, responsibility and leadership skills.

• The children set rules and consequences together and are encouraged to support each other follow through with them.
• The staff and the children together plan structured activities and events monthly. The children are encouraged to spend time exploring all materials offered in the school age program and choose activities of interest.
• The intent is to provide an educational and stimulating environment with a flexibility.

On PA days, March Break and Winter Break, we provide extra enrichment programs. A calendar is sent out outlining the programs for the school age children.

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